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SCTR 19 - "Religions of the Book" - Fall 2006

Fr. Felix Just, S.J.
Dept. of Religious Studies, Santa Clara University

Daily Worksheets - Section 2

Student Group Project Presentations
November 8 to December 1

Worksheet #18B – Abraham & Family (for Wednesday, 11/8/06)
Group 4: Stephanie Antonini, Becca Hirsch, Jack Mahoney, Brian Moon, Ariana Ramnani

1) Based on your reading of the primary texts, how does each religion differently interpret the story of Abraham (almost) sacrificing one of his sons? What conclusion can you draw from how each religion formulates this story?

  • Judaism:
  • Christianity:
  • Islam:

2) Based on your reading of the Time magazine article (“The Legacy of Abraham,” by David Van Biema – on ERes), how does each religion view Abraham? List one difference for each:

  • Judaism:
  • Christianity:
  • Islam:

3) What thesis (main point) is Van Biema trying to establish about the legacy of Abraham?

Worksheet #19B – Seasons of Fasting (for Friday, 11/10/06)
Group 2: Emilee Booher, Jenn Clarke, John Khainson, Celenne Nuñez, Nicole Truesdale

1) What does Isaiah 58 say about fasting? How should it be looked upon?

2) Having read Farrell's chapter on fasting (article on ERes), how would you summarize his views of the practice of fasting by Christians?

3) According to the booklet, "Ramadan: A Month of Sharing," what are some of the main purposes of fasting during Ramadan for Muslims?

Worksheet #20B – Women’s Stories (for Monday, 11/13/06)
Group 7: Adam Jester, Alex Nelson, Jenn Ngo, Christine Rasmussen, Jackie Winslow

1) How do you think the readings from the Hebrew Bible (Genesis, Leviticus, and Numbers) reflect the general attitude toward women in the Jewish scriptures (especially after reading the story of Adam and Eve)?

2) How do you think the readings from the New Testament (John and 1 Corinthians) reflect the general attitude toward women in the Christian scriptures? In other words, to whom are women expected to be submissive, and in contrast, to whom are men submissive?

3) How do you think the readings from the Qur’an reflect the general attitude toward women in the Islamic scriptures (esp. the worth of a woman, in Surah 4)?

4) From the secondary readings, what did you find most shocking about the treatment of women and/or views about women in ancient times?

Worksheet #21B – Sex & Marriage (for Wednesday, 11/15/06)
Group 8: Mara Adler, Meredith Brown, Brandon Jones, Mike Sorgenfrei, Jack Wall

1) How is sex outside of marriage (adultery, fornication, and other types of non-marital sex) viewed and/or punished, according to the primary reading selections from the ancient texts?

  • Hebrew Bible:
  • New Testament:
  • Qur’an:

2) According to the brief article entitled, “Homosexuality” (from the Encyclopedia of the Orient), how does each religion view homosexuality in the present day?

  • Judaism:
  • Christianity:
  • Islam:

3) Formulate one or two questions (based on the primary or secondary readings) that you still have about adultery or homosexuality in the three religions we are studying this year:

Worksheet #22B – Religious Symbolism (for Friday, 11/17/06)
Group 6: Joe Galbraith, Sean Hind, Leela Miyamoto, Jaya Pareek

1A) What is your definition for the Star of David? (no research necessary)

1B) After reading the scriptures (HB, NT) and secondary readings, do you believe that the Star of David should be considered the main symbol for Judaism?  Why?  If so, is it more important than the burning bush and the menorah?

2) The Cross is the best-known symbol of Christianity today. However, the Fish was a very important symbol in early Christianity. Based on the NT readings, what is the significance of these two symbols in Christianity?

3) After reading the Qur'an selections and the article, "Symbolism and Islam," what do you think is the generally accepted opinion about symbols and icons in Islam?

4)  From reading the article on Arabic Writing, what particular form was used to write the Qur'an? Where in the Qur'an does it prohibit the representation of humans and animals in drawings or paintings?

Worksheet #23B – Arab-Israeli Conflict (for Monday, 11/27/06)
Group 5: Manuel Angeles, Emily Moellentine, T. Osorio, Mark Soares, Edessa Tailo

1) What is the significance of each of the following sacred sites?

  • The Western / “Wailing” Wall –
  • The Church of the Holy Sepulcher –
  • The Dome of the Rock –

2) According to the reading selections from the New Testament, what is the “New Jerusalem”?  Do you believe that the New Jerusalem will ever be on earth?

3) According to the Qur’an, to whom did God give the Promised Land, and what did God receive in return?

4) The Holy Land contains numerous religious sites of the three major Abrahamic religions.  It has long been the site of war, conflict, and unrest, even though the name “Jerusalem” means “City of Peace.”  After reading the assigned sections of Yehezkel Landau’s Healing the Holy Land, why is “The City of Peace” plagued by so many wars and conflicts in the past and present?

Worksheet #24B – Worship & Prayer (for Wednesday, 11/29/06)
Group 1: Ryan Chun, Carly Crittenden, Francesca De Leon, Kimberly McGiven

1) After reading the daily prayers, explain why there are so many prayers for different events in the Jewish faith.

2) According to what you read from the NT, explain when, how, and why Christians are told to pray by Jesus.

3) Based on the Qur’an readings and the secondary reading about Salat, summarize three purposes of Salat.

4) After reading the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim prayers for peace, what are some themes similar among them?

Worksheet #25B – Interpretations of Jesus (for Friday, 12/1/06)
Group 3: Jonathan Arzadon, Jeremy Pool, Garrett Smith, Ryan Taketa, Christina Wu

1) List the main requirements for someone to be considered the Messiah from a Jewish perspective.  Which of these requirements does Jesus not fulfill, according to Jewish beliefs? (see the first linked website: “Why a Jew Can’t…”)

2) List some principal beliefs Christians hold about Jesus, especially as found in the Nicene Creed.

3) According to your readings from the Qur’an, how do Muslims interpret Mary and her giving birth to Jesus?  Who told her about Allah’s plans for Jesus?  How did Mary conceive Jesus?

4) According to the last online source linked (“Islamic & Christian Views of Jesus”), what do Muslims think happened to Jesus in the end?  How does this differ from the Christian and Jewish interpretations of Jesus’ death?


Santa Clara University

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