Star Cross Crescent

SCTR 19 - "Religions of the Book" - Fall 2006

Fr. Felix Just, S.J.
Dept. of Religious Studies, Santa Clara University

Schedule of Readings & Assignments


  • HB = books in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament); NT = books in the New Testament; see the front of your Bible for abbreviations of biblical books.
  • CSB-RB = “Reading Guide” in the front of the Catholic Study Bible; LTB = Living Traditions of the Bible;
  • ERes = copyrighted readings available online through SCU's ERes server (input Instructor "Just" and the Password you received in class).
  • Reminder: All primary and secondary readings should be done before you come to class each day (except for the first day, of course).

Readings for Nov. 8 to Dec. 1 - jump to SECTION 1 below, or jump to SECTION 2 below.

Date Main Topics
& Questions
Primary Readings Secondary Readings
  & Class Assignments
Exams &
M-9/18 Course Introduction  [only 25 min. class today]
Where are the best resources for religious studies?
Genesis 1:1-5;  Matthew 1:1-18;  Qur’an 1:1-7
(read during class, first day only)
Resources Webpage
W-9/20 Preliminary Considerations:
What is “religion”? How can we “study” religion?
How does religion affect our world (pos. & neg.)?
HB: Deuteronomy 6:1-25
NT: James 1:1-27
Qur’an: Surah 96:1-19
CSB-RG:  v-xix
ERes: Kessler, “What Is Religion?”
ERes: “Religion, etc.” (optional)
*Religion (ppt)
*Religion (htm)
F-9/22 Overview of “Western” Religions:
How are the major world religions usually classified?
What is the essence of Judaism? Christianity? Islam?
HB: 2 Chronicles 34:1–36:23
NT: Acts 1:1–2:47; 15:1-35
Qur’an: Surahs 68:1-52;  41:1-54
CSB-RG: 3-9, 68-75
Qur’an: Prefaces, ix-xiv
LTB: Intro, pp. 1-5
*Wstrn-Rel (ppt)
*Bible Translations
What is Judaism? Who are the Jews? Are all Jews Jewish?
What are the main branches/types of Judaism today?
Gen 9:1-17;  12:1-9;  15:1–17:27;  21:1-21
Exod 19:1–20:26; 32:1–34:35
ERes: “Judaism: An Overview”
CSB-RG 10-12
Form Study Groups
W-9/27 Jewish Historical & Scriptural Foundations:
What are the Torah, Tanak, Hebrew Bible, Old Testament?
By whom, when, how, and why was the HB really written?
skim Exod 1–3; 11–16;  Josh 1 & 24;  1 Sam 8–10;
1 Kgs 6–8; 11–12;  2 Kgs 17; 22–25;
read carefully 2 Sam 5–7
LTB, chap. 1
CSB-RG: 85-99
*Heb/Xn Bibles
*Biblical Refs
F-9/29 Jewish Scriptural Expansions:
How have Jews used, expanded, and rewritten the Bible?
What other literature is foundational for Judaism?
read carefully Ruth 1–4;
skim Song of Songs 1–8;  Esther 6–10;
Proverbs 1–3; 8–10;  Job 1–4; 38–42
LTB, chap. 3
CSB-RG 30-53 (opt.)
*Jewish History
M-10/2 Jewish Worship & Prayer:
How do Jews pray and worship, alone and together?
What are the major Jewish feasts & festivals?
read Lev 1–2 & 23;  Deut 6 & 16; 
Psalms 1, 2, 8, 23, 34, 51, 117, 118, 137, 150
ERes: "Sabbath & Jewish Festivals "
CSB-RG 243-254
*Feasts (ppt)
W-10/4 Jewish Ethics & Purity Laws:
What does Judaism teach about how people should act?
What are the biblical bases for these teachings?
closely compare Exod 20 & Deut 5;
read Lev 19;  skim the rest of Lev 17–26
also read Deut 14
LTB, chap. 10 (new date)
CSB-RG 125-133
* Propose Site Visits
F-10/6 Summary/Review of Judaism:
Core scriptures, history, beliefs, practices?
What are some hot topics in Judaism today?
review key texts Online: The Judaism Primer
ERes: Branches of Judaism
*Biblical Genres
*JUDAISM: Overview
M-10/9 1st half:  Exam #1 on Judaism
How did Christianity begin? ...separate from Judaism?
What is Christianity today, and what are its main branches?
Acts 1–4, 10–11, 15–16;  Gal 1–3
CSB-RG 423-26, 439-40;
ERes: “Christianity: An Overview”
*Group Project Topics Due

Exam #1
NT-Era History
*Judaisms of NT Era
W-10/11 Christian Historical & Scriptural Foundations:
Who was/is Jesus? Who were/are his disciples/followers?
What is the New Testament? Where did it come from?
read all of Mark 1–16
skim LTB, chap. 2
CSB-RG 371-72, 387-88
*NT Canon
*NT Christology
*Disciples / Apostles
F-10/13 Christian Scriptural Expansions:
Why are there four Gospels? What else in is the NT?
What other literature is foundational for Christians?
compare Matt 1–2  &  Luke 1–2  &  John 1;
read Matt 13;  Luke 4 & 15;  John 17 & 20
LTB, chap. 4
CSB-RG 373-76, 397-401, 412-15
*Jesus' Birth
*Four Gospels
M-10/16 Christian Spirituality & Worship:
How do Christians pray and worship, alone and together?
What are the major Christian feasts & sacraments?
Matt 5–7;  1 Cor 11–14;  Luke 22;  John 6, 13 CSB-RG 16-29, 76-84
*Lectionary Overview
W-10/18 Christian Faith & Ethics:
What does Christianity teach about how people should act?
What are the biblical bases for these teachings?
John 3;  Rom 2–4, 12–14;  James 1–3;  Eph 5–6
CSB-RG 441-45, 501-06 *Faith & Works
*Xn Household Codes
*Xnty: Branches
F-10/20 Christian Eschatology & Bible Interpretation:
Why/how do Christians interpret the Bible so differently?
Core scriptures, history, beliefs, practices?
Mark 13;  Matt 25;  2 Peter 3;  Rev 1, 4–6, 19–22 CSB-RG 520-24, 54-67 (opt.)
LTB, chap. 6 or 7 or 8 or 9
ERes: How Judaism & Xnty Split
*XNTY: Overview
M-10/23 1st half: Exam #2 – on Christianity
Who was Muhammad? What is Islam? Who are Muslims today?
What is the Qur’an (Koran)? How was it written, arranged?
re-read Qur’an 96:1-19
Online:The Islam FAQ"
Qur’an: Intros, xv-xxvii & 1-15
Exam #2
ISLAM: Overview
W-10/25 Muslim Practices: Five Pillars & Islamic Calendar
How do Muslims pray &  worship, alone & together, daily & weekly?
What are the major annual Muslim feasts?
Five Pillars overall: Q 2:142-152, 183-203
*Faith: Q 49:1-18
*Prayer: Q 1:1-7
*Almsgiving: Q 2:261-81; 107:1-7
*Fasting: Q 5:87-95
*Pilgrimage: Q 3:96-97; 22:25-30
ERes: “Koran: Very Short Intro”
Handout: "Ramadan" booklet
*PBS: Islam (offsite)
F-10/27 Muslim Beliefs, esp. God & Prophets
What do Muslims believe? How does the Qur’an portray prophets?
(incl. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, Muhammad)
How have Muslims interpreted and used the Bible & the Qur’an?
*God: Q 2:254-57;  59:18-24;  112:1-4
*Angels (& Satan): Q 2:29-39
*Books (Jews/Xns): Q 5:44-50, 65-86
*Prophets: Q 3:49-59;  skim Q 7:1-185
*Judgment: Q 55:1-76;  75:1-40
*Equality/Unity: Q 49:10-13
Handout: "Discover Islam" booklet
LTB, chap. 5
*99 Names of Allah (offsite)
M-10/30 Life of Muhammad & Spread of Islam (DVD)
How did Islam begin? How/why did it grow so quickly?
Q 44:1-59; 45:1-37; 72:1-28; 97:1-5 Handout: “Divine Unicity"
(on Shi'ite sect & Sufi traditions)
Submit Group Project Readings
ERes: MAPS (2 PPTs)
W-11/1 GUEST SPEAKER: Maha ElGenaidi Speaker’s Readings TBD ERes: TBD *Islamic Networks Group
F-11/3 Hot Topics in Islam: War? Terrorism? Suicide? Moonsightings?
Core scriptures, history, beliefs, practices?
Q 2:185; 55:5 Handout: Vat. II - Nostra Aetate

*Moonsighting Debates:

M-11/6 1st half:  Exam #3 – on Islam
2nd half: Overview of Projects / Discussion of Site Visits
X X Exam #3


SECTION 1 (9:15 – 10:20 a.m.)

Date Main Topics & Questions Primary Readings Secondary Readings & Resources
W-11/8 Grp 2 - Abraham & Family
(influence; theological/social disputes)

HB: Gen 13:14-17; 17:1-27; 22:1-19; 25:5-18 (skim all of Gen 12—25)
NT: Acts 7:1-8; 13:26-27; Rom 4:1-22; Gal 3:6-29; 4:21-31;
Heb 6:13—7:10; 11:8-22
Qur’an: 2:122-141; 3:64-84, 95-97; 11:69-73; 37:83-113

*History Channel: Abraham
*The Place of Prophet Ibrahim

*review: Abraham Chart
F-11/10 Grp 4 - Moses
(in the HB, NT, and Quran)

HB: Exod 7:1-13; Lev 11:41-45; Num 14:1-25; Jer 31:31-34;
and re-read Exod 2, 20, 32, and Deut 5 (Decalogue)
NT: Matt 5:17-20; John 1:17-18; 2 Cor 3:1-18; Heb 3:1-19
Qur’an: 2:47-63; 20:36-99 ; 26:10-68

*Judaism, Christianity, Islam - Comparison
*Judaism 101: Moses, Aaron, Miriam
*ERes: New Catholic Encyclopedia: Moses
M-11/13 Grp 6 - Roles of Women (attitudes toward,
significant roles played by women)

HB: Gen 1:1—3:24; Prov 31:1-31
NT: Matt 27:57—28:20; 1Cor 11:2-16; 14:26-40
Qur’an: 19:16-40; 33:28-40

*Judaism 101: The Role of Women
*Wiki: Christian Views of Women
*Islam 101: Liberation by the Veil
W-11/15 Grp 3 - Marriage (sexual beliefs,
dating practices, wedding rituals, etc.)

HB: Exod 21:1-11; Lev 18:19-30; 20:7-21; Deut 24:1-5; 25:5-10
NT: Mark 10:2-10; Matt 5:27-32; 19:1-13; 1 Cor 7:1-30
Qur’an: 2:221; 4:1-4, 34-35; 5:5; 24:30-33; 25:54

*Wiki: Inter-religious Marriage
*EB: Marriage Rituals
F-11/17 Grp 7 - Jerusalem & Holy Land
(significance for the three religions)

HB: Gen 12:7-9; 15:1—17:27; 1 Kings 8:1-27; Ezra 3:1-13
NT: Luke 4:1-13; 19:28-48; Acts 11:19-26; Heb 8:1—10:39; Rev 21:1—22:7
Qur’an: 2:142-152; 17:1-10
; 22:26-33; 53:1-25

*History Channel: Three Religions, One Holy City (skim)
*The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem
*Jerusalem and Christianity (Muslim view); read 3 pages:
* *Christians Should Be Ashamed
* *Christians in the Holy Land
* *Significance of Jerusalem
11/20-24 Thanksgiving Break: no classes Happy Thanksgiving! Have a Good Break! Site VisitReports Due (Friday, 11/17)
M-11/27 Grp 5 - Arab / Israeli Conflict
(from the 3 religious perspectives)

HB: Joshua 1:1-9; Judges 20:1-10; re-read Gen 12:1-9; 17:1-14
re-read Matt 2:1-6; Mark 13:3-23; Rev 21:9-14
17:1-2; 2:111, 113, 122, 135; 5:15

*Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in a Nutshell
*Creation of the State of Israel

*Wiki: History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (new URL)
W-11/29 Grp 1 - Peace & Justice
(teachings & scriptural foundations)

HB: Deut 20:10-20; Psalms 29:1-11; 35:1-28; Isaiah 26:1-9; Micah 5:1-14
NT: Matt 5:38-42; John 14:25-28; Rom 13:1-7; Eph 6:10-17; 1 Peter 3:8-12
Qur'an: 2:190-194, 216-218; 4:76, 95-96; 5:8; 6:151-152;
8:15-16, 61; 9:1-17; 22:39-40

*The Abrahamic Faiths: A Comparison
*What Is the Christian Perspective on War?
*A Call for Unity (sections "Justice" & "Righteousness")
*Theology, Spirituality, Ethics for Peacemaking
(sections 1A & 1B of The Harvest of Justice)

F-12/1 Fr. Just - Role/Interpretations of Jesus
(as viewed by all 3 religions)
HB: Deut 18:15-22; Psalm 2:1-12; Daniel 7:1-28; Micah 4:1--5:14;
Malachi 3:1-24; Isaiah 7:1-17; 11:1-16; 42:1-4; 49:1-7; 50:4-11
NT: Matt 16:13-20; Luke 4:14-30; John 5:15-18; 10:22-42; Acts 4:8-12;
Phil 2:1-11; Col 1:15-29; Heb 1:1--2:18
Qur’an: 2:135-141; 3:42-59; 4:150-173; 5:17-19, 67-77; 19:16-36; 112:1-4

*Why a Jew Can't Believe in Jesus
*Christian Creeds
*Wiki: Religious Perspectives on Jesus (optional)
*The Islamic & Christian Views of Jesus
*Jesus: Comparative Perspective (FJust-PPT)

Fri-12/8 Final Exam 1:30 – 4:30 p.m., in our regular classroom, Bannon 331 * Review Western Religions
& Exam Study Guides


SECTION 2 (11:45 a.m. – 12:50 p.m.)

Date Main Topics & Questions Primary Readings Secondary Readings & Resources
W-11/8 Grp 4 - Abraham & Family
(family disputes / theological conflicts)

HB: Gen 12:1-9; 25:7-18; skim Gen 15-17; 21-22
Rom 4:1-25; Gal 3:7-14

Qur’an: 26:160-175; 2:124-127, 135-136; 14:39-41 (& footnotes)

*ERes: "Legacy of Abraham"
*Time: Cover
*review: Abraham Chart
F-11/10 Grp 2 - Major Seasons of Fasting/Penance
(Yom Kippur, Lent, Ramadan)

HB: Lev 16:1-34; 23:26-32; Isaiah 58:1-14
NT: Matt 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13; Mark 2:18-20; re-read Matt 6:16-18
Qur’an: 2:183-187; 5:87-95; 58:1-6

*ERes: Celebrating Lent: Fasting
*review "Discovering Islam"
and "Ramadam" booklets

M-11/13 Grp 7 - Women (how portrayed in scriptures;
and how these affect social perceptions today)

HB: Gen 3:1-24; 19:1-38; Lev 12:1-8; Num 30:1-17; skim Judges 4--5
NT: John 20:1-18; 1 Cor 11:1-16
4:11-19, 34; 16:96; 33:35; 37:22-23

*Status of Women in the Old Testament (?!)
*Judaism 101: The Role of Women (sub)
*Status of Women in Christian Scriptures
*Women in the Qu'ran and the Sunna
W-11/15 Grp 8 - Sex & Marriage
(differences past/present in the three religions)

HB: Deut 22:13-28; 23:18-19; Lev 18:1-30; 20:9-27; Prov 6:20-35; 22:14
Matt 5:27-32; Rom 1:18-32; 1Cor 6:9-20; 7:1-40; 2Tim 2:20-26
Qur’an: 2:186-188, 222-228; 4:15-18; 7:80-84; 17:31-33; 24:1-10; 25:68-71; 27:54-58

*Wiki: Homosexuality and Religion (read
   the section on the Abrahamic Religions)
*Wiki: Religion and Sexuality (optional)
*Encyclop. of the Orient: Homosexuality
F-11/17 Grp 6 - Symbolism (meanings of
Star of David, Holy Cross, Crescent Moon)

HB: Star: Isaiah 11:1-3; cf. Acts 7:39-43;  Burning Bush: Exod 3:1-9
Menorah: Exod 25:1-8, 31-40; 1 Maccabees 4:36-59
Mark 1:14-20; 15:21-41; Matt 27:32-45; Luke 23:33-49; John 21:1-14

6:71-80; 21:57-75; 29:17

*The Star of David
*Jewish Symbols
*Christian Symbols
*Arabic Writing
*Symbolism and Islam, by T. Arnold (pg.1)

11/20-24 Thanksgiving Break: no classes Happy Thanksgiving! Have a Good Break! Site VisitReports Due (Friday, 11/17)
M-11/27 Grp 5 - Arab / Israeli Conflict
(esp. the role/symbolism of Jerusalem)

HB: Gen 12:1-20; 50:24-26; Exod 3:1-17
Matt 21:1-17; Luke 13:22-35; Revelation 21:1-27
2:40-46, 83-84

*Healing the Holy Land, by Yehezkel Landau
(read Summary & Chaps. 2 & 3)
*Sacred Destinations: Jerusalem

W-11/29 Grp 1 - Worship & Prayer
(practices & forms of communication w/ God)

HB: Deut 26; Psalms 30, 113, 145; 1 Sam 1:1-20
Luke 11:1-13; 2 Thess 1:1-12; James 5:13-18; re-read Matt 6:5-15
2:43, 142-153; 8:2-10; 13:14-15; 14:39-40; 22:26-41;

*ERes: Transliterated Siddur (Jewish)
*Interfaith Prayers for Peace
*Wiki: Prayer in Christianity
*Wiki: Salat / Islamic Prayer
F-12/1 Grp 3 - Role/Interpretations of Jesus
(as viewed by all three religions)

HB: Psalm 2:1-12; Zech 9:9-10; Isaiah 52:13—53:12;
Isaiah 7:13-16; Daniel 9:24-26
Acts 4:8-12; John 10:29-30; Eph 1:1-14
2:135-137; 3:42-51; 4:163-173; 5:17-19, 67-77

*Why a Jew Can't Believe in Jesus
*Wiki: Religious Perspectives on Jesus (read
Part 1: Christianity; Jewish & Muslim optional)
*Christian Creeds
*The Islamic & Christian Views of Jesus

Wed-12/6 Final Exam 1:30 – 4:30 p.m., in our regular classroom, Bannon 331 * Review Western Religions
& Exam Study Guides

UPDATE 10/18: The “Comparative Topics” for the last three weeks are now set.  If any group wishes to change its topic, you must receive permission from the instructor well in advance. The readings for each day will be selected (in consultation with the instructor) by the various groups of 4-5 students responsible for leading the class on those days.

Sec. 01 (26636):  normally MWF 9:15–10:20 a.m.;  First Day (Sept. 18 only): 8:35–9:00 a.m.;  Final Exam: 1:30–4:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 8

Sec. 02 (26637):  normally MWF 11:45 a.m.–12:50 p.m.;  First Day (Sept. 18): 9:45–10:10 a.m.;  Final Exam: 1:30–4:30 p.m. on Wed., Dec. 6


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This page last updated on January 5, 2007
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Santa Clara University