Star Cross Crescent

SCTR 19 - "Religions of the Book" - Fall 2006

Fr. Felix Just, S.J.
Dept. of Religious Studies, Santa Clara University

Daily Worksheets - Section 1

Student Group Project Presentations
November 8 to December 1

Worksheet #18A – Abraham & Family (for Wednesday, 11/8/06)
Group 2: Kim Coates, Onnie Do, Heather Giddings, Jack Sisler

1) What are the promises made in the covenant between God and Abraham, according to Genesis?

2) What role does Abraham play in the selected texts from Romans and Galatians?

3) What is God's message to the people in the Qur’an, Surah 3:65-84?

4)  Based on the secondary readings (“History Channel: Abraham” & “The Place of Prophet Ibrahim” - linked on the online course schedule), describe several major differences in the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim views of Abraham:

  • Judaism:
  • Christianity:
  • Islam:

Worksheet #19A – Group 4: Moses (for Friday, 11/10/06)
Group 4: Andrew Blanco, Kat  Tsao, Kyle Tsukiji

1) What is Moses’ role in the conversation with God in the reading from Numbers 14:1-25?

2) According to the selected New Testament readings, how is Moses viewed in relation to Jesus?

3) After reading the selected texts from the Qur'an, how do you think the Muslim view of Moses is similar to or different from how Moses is viewed in Judaism and/or Christianity?

4) Based on the article about “Moses” from Judaism 101 ( How is Moses’ relationship with Miriam and Aaron unlike any other in Judaism and Christianity? How is it similar to examples in the history of all three religions, especially Islam?

Worksheet #20A – Women’s Roles (for Monday, 11/13/06)
Group 6: Jessie Canalin, Christine Groner, Whitney Ryan, Phung Truong

1) According to Proverbs 31, what are some of the various roles a woman should have to make her the ideal wife, in ancient Jewish understanding?

2) What does Paul say to the early Christians in Corinth (1 Cor 11:2-16 & 14:26-40) about the appropriate way for women to present themselves in church?

3) In Surah 33:28-40, what is the attitude towards Muslim women in comparison to men?

4) Based on the secondary readings, what are some of the major differences in attitudes toward women in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?  Describe several important differences below:

Worksheet #21A – Sex & Marriage (for Wednesday, 11/15/06)
Group 3: Caitlin Adair, Ginna Anderson, Britney Sanford, Stephen Sih-Choi

1) According to Leviticus 18, what are the main rules about sex, and how is sexual sin viewed in ancient Judaism?  How would an individual who did not adhere to these sexual laws be punished or dealt with in biblical times?

2) Comparing Mark 10:2-12, Matthew 5:31-32; 19:1-13; and 1 Cor 7:10-16, did early Christianity tolerate divorce, and if so under what conditions?

3) According to the readings from the Qur'an and the Wikipedia article, what does Islam tolerate or prohibit concerning mixed marriages? How are these views related to the roles of the man and women in a marriage contract?

4) After reading the Britannica article, compare and contrast how the marriage rituals and ceremonies are performed in the three main Western religions today:

  • Judaism:
  • Christianity:
  • Islam:

Worksheet #22A – Jerusalem & the Holy Land (for Friday, 11/17/06)
Group 7: Bryan Bergman, Rose Diamond, Matt Pham, Koji Ueunten

1) According to Ezra 3, why was it important for the Jews to rebuild the temple after its destruction in 587 BC? 

2) In the reading from the Book of Revelation, what does the "New Jerusalem" represent for Christians? 

3) Why do Muslims pray towards Mecca instead of Jerusalem, according to Surah 2:142-152?

4) After doing all the readings, which religion(s) do you think should have control over Jerusalem today? Why?

Worksheet #23A – Arab-Israeli Conflict (for Monday, 11/27/06)
Group 5: Patricia Gabel, Zach Harrison, Brad Lehman, Lauren McKennan

1) According to the beginning of the Book of Joshua, what does God ask for in return for bestowing the promised land upon the Israelites?

2) What questions do you have about the assigned readings from the NT?

3) According to the readings from the Qur’an (specifically Surah 17) what is the Muslim perspective on Jewish and Christian heritage?

4) According to the secondary reading, “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in a Nutshell,” what inspires such hatred among Arabs against Jews?  Is the Palestinian mentality towards Jews and the State of Israel reasonable or rash?  Why?

5) According to the secondary reading, “Creation of the State of Israel,” which events lead to an increase in Arab attacks on Jews, and why?

Worksheet #24A – Peace & Justice (for Wednesday, 11/29/06)
Group 1: Trevor Axelrod, Heather Clayton, Kirstin Olson, Laura Peña

1) What does Deuteronomy 20:10-20 say are the circumstances in which war can take place, in Jewish thought?

2) Based on the NT readings (esp. Matt 5:38-42 and 1 Peter 3:8-12), how is conflict resolved or peace attained?

3) After reading Surah 2:190-194, 216-217, how do you think Muslims justify war?  Under what conditions?

4) After reading the section on “Justice” in “A Call for Unity,” compare how each religion views justice and how wars are justified from the perspective of each religion:

  • Judaism:
  • Christianity:
  • Islam:

Worksheet #25A – Interpretations of Jesus (for Friday, 12/1/06)
Fr. Felix Just, SJ

1) Based on the assigned readings from the Hebrew Bible, describe some of the different characters God may appoint to intervene in human history, according to ancient Jewish expectations. (Don’t forget to cite specific biblical references!)

2) List some of the core beliefs early Christians held about Jesus, as found in the assigned NT readings (give specific refs.)

3) How does the Qur’an describe the role and significance of Jesus?  What does it say about his birth, life, and death? (give specific refs.)

4) According to the online article, “Why Jews Can’t Believe in Jesus,” what are the main requirements for someone to be considered the Messiah from a Jewish perspective, and which of these requirements did Jesus not fulfill?

5) According to the online article, “Islamic & Christian Views of Jesus,” what are the main differences between the Muslim and Christian interpretations of the life and significance of Jesus?


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