Note: The webpages for this course are not being updated, but will remain online for archival and reference purposes.

THST 415 - New Testament Theology - Spring 2004
Felix Just, S.J. - Loyola Marymount University

Schedule of Readings

Wed. Jan. 21 - Course Introduction: Syllabus; Catholic Approach to Scripture; Church Documents; Variety of Biblical Theologies; Greek Alphabet; Resources for NT Studies (Library Reference; BWP; WWW; ATLA; Journals; etc.).

PART I: Official Catholic Teachings on the Scriptures (Biblical Interpretation & Hermeneutics)

Wed. Jan 28

  • R. Brown, "Church Pronouncements" (NJBC 72: 1166-1174).
  • Excerpts from older Papal Encyclicals:
    • Pope Leo XIII: Providentissimus Deus - "On the Study of Sacred Scripture" (11/18/1893).
    • Pope Pius X: Lamentabili Sane - "The Syllabus of Errors" (7/8/1907).
    • Pope Pius X: Pascendi Dominici Gregis - "On the Doctrine of the Modernists" (9/8/1907).
    • Pope Benedict XV: Humani Generis Redemptionem - "On Preaching the Word of God" (6/15/1917).
    • Pope Benedict XV: Spiritus Paraclitus - "On St. Jerome" (9/15/1920).
    • Pope Pius XII: Divino Afflante Spiritu - "On the Promotion of Bible Studies" (9/30/1943).

Wed. Feb 4 (Quiz on Greek Alphabet)

  • Vatican II: Dei Verbum - "Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation" (11/18/1965).
  • PBC: "Instruction on the Historical Truth of the Gospels," CBQ 26 (1964) 299-312.
  • J. Fitzmyer, "The Biblical Commission's Instruction on the Historical Truth…," TS 25 (1964) 386-408.
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church; sections on "Revelation" and "Scripture" (§§51-141).
  • R. Collins, "Inspiration" (NJBC 65: 1023-1033).

Wed. Feb. 11

PART II: Christology and Discipleship and other NT Theologies

  • Biblical Readings: books and letters from the New Testament that will be the focus of the week
  • Secondary Readings: chapters in RB (Brown's Introduction) & PD (Longenecker's Patterns of Discipleship)
  • Theological Topic: sub-field of theology that will be investigated more deeply and broadly that week (glossaries)

Wed. Feb. 18, First hour

  • Biblical Readings: Mark
  • Secondary Readings: PD Intro & 1; RB 6 & 7
  • Theological Topic: Christology (NJBC 81: §§1-24) and Discipleship

Second hour

  • Biblical Readings: Matthew
  • Secondary Readings: PD 2; RB 8
  • Theological Topic: Ecclesiology (Church: Definitions, Nature & Structure)

Wed. March 3, First hour

  • Biblical Readings: Luke / Acts
  • Secondary Readings: PD 3; RB 9 & 10
  • Theological Topic: Pneumatology (Holy Spirit & Pentecost)

Second hour

  • Biblical Readings: John; 1-3 John
  • Secondary Readings: PD 4; RB 12-14
  • Theological Topic: Trinitarian Theology (Father, Son, Spirit)

Wed. March 10, First hour

  • Secondary Readings: [no PD]; RB 15-17
  • Theological Topic: Introduction to Pauline Theology

Second hour

  • Biblical Readings: 1 Thess & 2 Thess
  • Secondary Readings: PD 5; RB 18 & 26
  • Theological Topic: Pauline Eschatology (NJBC 81: §§25-56)

Wed. March 17, First hour

  • Biblical Readings: 1 Cor & 2 Cor
  • Secondary Readings: PD 6; RB 22 & 23
  • Theological Topic: Liturgical Theology

Second hour

  • Biblical Readings: Gal
  • Secondary Readings: [no PD]; RB 19
  • Theological Topic: Soteriology (NJBC 82: §§24-80)

Wed. March 24, First hour

  • Biblical Readings: Rom
  • Secondary Readings: PD 7; RB 24
  • Theological Topic: Theological Anthropology (NJBC 82: §§81-137)

Second hour

  • Biblical Readings: Phil & Phlm
  • Secondary Readings: PD 8; RB 20 & 21
  • Theological Topic: Creedal Statements & Hymns

(March 31, no class - Caesar Chavez day)

(April 7, no class - Spring Break/Holy Week)

Wed. April 14, First hour

  • Biblical Readings: Col & Eph
  • Secondary Readings: PD 9; RB 27 & 28
  • Theological Topic: Cosmology

Second hour

  • Biblical Readings: Pastoral Epistles (1 Tim; 2 Tim; Titus)
  • Secondary Readings: [no PD]; RB 29 & 30 & 31
  • Theological Topic: Moral Theology (Theological Ethics)

Wed. April 21, First hour

  • Biblical Readings: Hebrews
  • Secondary Readings: PD 10; RB 32
  • Theological Topic: Inter-Religious Relationships (esp. Christianity & Judaism)

Second hour

  • Biblical Readings: James
  • Secondary Readings: PD 11; RB 34
  • Theological Topic: Sacramental Theology

Wed. April 28, First hour

  • Biblical Readings: 1 Peter
  • Secondary Readings: PD 12; RB 33
  • Theological Topic: Political Theology (Church & Society)

Second hour

  • Biblical Readings: 2 Peter & Jude
  • Secondary Readings: [no PD]; RB 35 & 36
  • Theological Topic: Biblical Canonicity

Wed. May 5, First hour (FINAL PAPER due)

  • Biblical Readings: Revelation
  • Secondary Readings: PD 13; RB 37
  • Theological Topic: Mariology

Second hour

  • Summary/Review: Concluding Reflections on Scripture and Theology
  • Secondary Readings: K. Stendahl, "Biblical Theology," IDB (1962) 1.418-32 (skim).
  • J. Barr, "Biblical Theology," IDBS (1976) 104-11.
  • J. Donahue, "The Changing Shape of NT Theology," TS 50 (1989) 314-35.

abbreviations: see the required textbooks and recommended reference works listed on p. 1 of this syllabus.

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This page was last updated on June 16, 2004
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