Illustration |
single-screen size |
large-detail size |
Map of Ancient Rome: |
750x544 pixels (93
kB) |
3121x2263 pixels
(749kB) |
Map of Rome Modern (ca. 1902): |
750x547 pixels (106
kB) |
2687x1957 pixels
(568kB) |
Stages in the Growth of the City: |
750x729 pixels (133
kB) |
1360x1321 pixels
(210 kB) |
Forum Romanum (Republican Era): |
750x602 pixels
(119 kB) |
1674x1342 pixels
(331 kB) |
Forum Romanum (Imperial Era): |
750x556 pixels (100
kB) |
2755x2041 pixels
(822 kB) |
Forum Romanum (ca. 1902): |
750x459 pixels (61 kB) |
2941x1797 pixels
(405 kB) |
Plan of the Imperial Fora: |
750x408 pixels (87
kB) |
2032x1103 pixels
(432 kB) |
Plan of the Capitoline Hill: |
750x618 pixels (109
kB) |
1632x1343 pixels
(289 kB) |
Plan of the Palatine Hill: |
750x572 pixels (94 kB) |
2735x2083 pixels (613
kB) |
Plan of the Tiber Island: |
750x540 pixels (70 kB) |
1216x875 pixels (101
kB) |
Ancient Construction Methods: |
750x627 pixels
(94 kB) |
pixels (141 kB) |