Prof. Felix Just, S.J.
Dept. of Theology & Religious Studies
University of San Francisco
Study Guides for Weekly Quizzes
Final Exam (Sec. 2 - Tuesday, 5/16, 8:00-10:30 a.m.; Sec. 1 - Wednesday, 5/17, 12:00-2:30 p.m.; bring your Bible & a small "Blue Book")
Part I (no books, no notes): Objective questions, similar to the weekly quizzes both in content (dates, names, definitions) and in format (multiple choice, fill in blanks, etc.).
Review all the previous quizzes and the rest of the study questions (below) from the quizzes we had throughout the semester.
See esp. the summary/review at the end of our Study Guide for Gilles' textbook, which highlights the most important dates, people & events.
See also the handout of church architectural & liturgical terms (added to the bottom of the Project/Paper webpage).
Part II (open Bible, no other notes ): Several short essays relating some biblical texts to the corresponding topics from Rausch's textbook (see the online Course Schedule).
Part III (you should prepare one side of one page of hand-written, bulleted notes in advance): Two longer essays synthesizing the most important theological topics of the course, as we learned esp. from Rausch, Catholicism. Prepare all six of the following topics; each version of the final exam will include three of the following (randomly chosen), and you will then be able to choose two of them for your longer written essays:
What are the most important core beliefs & common practices of Christianity? What is central to all Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant Xns?
What are some of the most important differences in theology & praxis between Orthodox, Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Reformed Xns?
What was (and still is) the impact of the Second Vatican Council for world-wide Christianity (both for the Catholic Church and for others)?
Describe the typical processes of "Christian Initiation" (Baptism-Confirmation-Eucharist)? What are the main differences between Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants? Differences within Catholicism for infants vs. adults?
Describe the wide variety of Christian "vocations" (four main types). How does God "call" Christians to live, as religious & lay people? What historical and cultural differences have there been?
What is the "Bible" and what is its role in Christianity? How are "Scripture" and "Tradition" related in Catholic understanding vs. in the understanding of most Protestant Christians?
Quiz 1 (Wed. 2/1):
From the Powerpoint Presentation: "What is Theology?" (slightly
revised Jan. 27, 2006)
What are the root meanings (from Greek) and the definitions of
"Philosophy" and "Theology"?
Know the definitions of the 10 "-isms" (types of belief in God or
From the Powerpoint Presentation: "Faith and Religion"
Know which world religions are considered "Eastern Religions" vs.
"Western Religions."
Study the details on the two slides about the three main "Western Religions."
From the Catholic Study Bible (RG pp. 1-8) and the "Biblical Glossary"
What, basically, are the Hebrew Bible, Septuagint, Old Testament, Deuterocanonical/Apocryphal
books, and New Testament?
Name the three main divisions of the Hebrew Bible, and the four main divisions
of the Old Testament.
From the Catholic Study Bible (RG 9-12, 31-35) and the "Judeo-Christian
History" webpage:
The Foundations of Israel: esp. 1800, 1250, 1000, 587 BC; the Patriarchs, Exodus,
Monarchy, Babylonian Exile, respectively.
The Temple of Jerusalem: esp. 970, 587, 520 BC, and 70 AD (built, destroyed,
rebuilt, destroyed again)
From the Catholic Study Bible (RG 36-54, 74-84, 115-119) and the "Covenants
and Pillars of Judaism" webpage:
What is a "Covenant"? What are the main covenants associated with
Abraham, Moses, and David?
What are the seven "Pillars" of Ancient Judaism? (inter-connected
with the "covenants")
Quiz 2 (Wed. 2/8):
New Testament Canon (see webpage):
Total of 27 books, all originally in Greek; know the arrangement of the main
categories (Gospels, Acts, etc.).
Know the stages of the formation and transmission of the NT (esp. the
first four stages).
Jesus and the Gospels (esp. Mark; see RG 405-417):
What is the historical/geographical outline of the ministry of Jesus,
according to the Synoptic Gospels?
What are the most important events/actions of Jesus' life? What are
his most important teachings?
The Early Church (esp. Acts, see RG 451-469):
What major events happened in (or around) the years 4 BC, and 30, 50,
70, 90, and 110 AD? [birth & death of Jesus; don't confuse the Council of Jerusalem
and the Council of Jamnia; see the history webpage]
Who were the most important early Christian leaders, and what did each
of them do? (Peter, James & John, 12 Apostles, Mary Magdalene & other women,
Stephen, Barnabas, Saul/Paul, James of Jerusalem, etc.; the main characters in
the Acts of the Apostles)
Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Geography (see webpage & handout):
Identify the following countries (and cities) on a map: Iraq, Egypt,
Israel (Jerusalem), Syria, Turkey, Greece, and Italy (Rome).
Where and how did early Christianity spread? What is the "theological
geography" of the Acts of the Apostles? (see RG 454)
Quiz 3 (Wed. 2/15):
Biblical Archaeology & Geography (see CSB, Ref. 467-477)
What are the main geographical zones or "natural divisions" of Israel/Palestine
(four N/S strips)?
Where is Israel/Palestine located in relation to the main Middle Eastern empires
throughout the OT period?
In contrast, where is Israel/Palestine located in relation to the Roman Empire
of the Early Christian period?
Catholicism and Vatican II (see Rausch,
Catholicism in the Third Millennium, Intro & Chap. 1)
What are the various historical uses and meanings of the words "catholic"
and "Catholic"?
What were the major features (positive & negative) of Catholicism in the
early 20th Century?
When and what was the Second Vatican Council (a.k.a. Vatican II)?
What were the main renewal movements that lead up to the Council?
What were the main goals of Pope John XXIII for the Council?
What are the four main "Constitutions" and some other significant
documents of Vatican
Define the words Liturgy, Mass, Eucharist, Communion, and Lectionary.
What are the four main parts or divisions in the structure or "order"
of the Roman Catholic Mass?
What are the six main "Liturgical Seasons" of the Christian
"Liturgical Calendar"?
How many biblical readings are used at Mass, and from which sections
of the Bible are they taken?
Quiz 4 (Wed. 3/1):
Rausch, Catholicism, Chap. 2
What is "faith," both as a verb (action) and as a noun (object)?
Where is the "content" of the Christian faith recorded or expressed?
What are some of the main features or elements of biblical faith? (see
Rausch, pp. 25-37)
Rausch, Catholicism, Chap. 3
What is the root definition of "ekklesia" and what are the
four different meanings of the word "church"?
What are the titles of the three main categories or "orders" of Christian
ministry or leadership?
What are the four "notes" or "marks" of the Church, as
expressed in the Creed of Nicea-Constantinople?
Gilles, People of God, Chap. 1, 2, 3 (& related webpages from
online Course Schedule)
1a) What were some of the opinions (both positive and negative) outsiders had
of the early Christians in the Roman Empire?
1b) How extensive were the Roman persecutions of early Christians (esp. under
Emperors Nero, Decius, and Diocletian)?
1c) How did the conversion of Emperor Constantine (AD 312) affect the growth
and development of Christianity in the 4th century?
2a) When and where were the first four "Ecumenical Councils"? Why
are they important to the Christian faith?
2b) What is a "Creed"? What is the basic three-part structure of
the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed?
2c) What did the Councils of Nicea & Constantinople decide (against the
Arians)? What is the significance of the word "homo-ousios"?
3a) What happened to the Roman Empire in the 4th century? (capital moved
to Constantinople; division East vs. West; Xnty established)
3b) What happened to the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century? (barbarian
invasions; Fall of Rome; rise of Papacy)
3c) How and why did the Church/State relationship develop differently
in the Eastern and Western parts of the Roman Empire?
Quiz 5 (Wed. 3/8):
Rausch, Catholicism, Chap. 4
What are the root meanings of "tradition" and "revelation" and "scripture"?
What is the difference between "Tradition" and "traditions"? "Revelation" and "revelations"? "Scripture" and "scriptures"?
How do Catholics regard the relationship between "Revelation" and "Tradition" and "Scripture"?
What are the four main modes or official expressions of the Christian Tradition overall?
What are some of the distinctive features of the Catholic Tradition in particular?
What are the four "solas" of the Protestant Reformation?
Gilles, People of God, Chap. 4 & 5
4a) Define or describe the following terms or groups: Patristics, Donatists, Pelagians, Monasticism, Vulgate Bible.
4b) What is the difference between "Hermetic Monasticism" and "Cenobitic Monasticism"? Who were the founders of each?
4c) Who was St. Augustine of Hippo, and how did he influence the development of Christian theology?
5a) Who was Charlemagne and what was his impact on Christianity? (esp. 800 AD & the "Carolingian Reform")
5b) What were some of the main problems that affected Christianity in the Early Middle Ages?
5c) What was accomplished in the Reform of Cluny and the Gregorian Reform? Why was celibacy made mandatory for clergy?
Quiz 6 (Wed. 3/22):
Rausch, Catholicism, Chap. 5
What is the root meaning of "sacrament"? What is the difference between "sacramentality" and "sacramental" and "Sacrament"?
What are the "Seven Sacraments" according to Catholic theology? Which two of these are considered "Sacraments" by most Protestants?
What is the usual process of Christian Initiation for Orthodox Christians? ...for Protestant Christians? ...for Catholic Christians (as infants)?
What does "RCIA" stand for? What are the five stages of the RCIA program currently?
What are the main terms for the Christian Sacrament involving bread & wine, and who uses each tem?
Gilles, People of God, Chap. 6 & 7
6a) What happened in the history of Christianity and/or Islam in these key years: 622, 1054, and 1453?
6b) Who was Muhammad? What does the word "Islam" mean? How did the expansion of Islam affect Christianity?
6c) What does "iconoclasm" mean? What was the iconoclast controversy all about, and how was it resolved?
7a) What does "Christendom" mean? Why do some people consider the 13th Century as the "Golden Age" of Christendom?
7b) What and when were the "Crusades"? What were the initial goals? What were the final results?
7c) What two new "mendicant religious orders" began in the early 13th Century, and who were their founders?
Quiz 7 (Wed. 3/29) - Cautionary Reminder: Make sure to read the textbooks, don't rely only on the online Study Guides!
Rausch, Catholicism, Chap. 6
(and Prof. Just's webpage on the Sacraments)
Define the following words: discipleship, vocation, monastic, mendicant, evangelical, apostolic, vows.
What are the four main "vocations" of Christian discipleship (how Christians live alone or with others)?
What are the three levels of "Holy Orders"? What are the core elements of Ordination as a Sacrament (words, actions, effects, ministers)?
What are some of the main types of "religious life"? What are the three "evangelical counsels" or "vows" taken by most "religious" sisters and brothers?
What are the core aspects (words, actions, effects, ministers) of the Sacrament of Matrimony (or Marriage)?
Gilles, People of God, Chap. 8 & 9
8a) What are the main differences between the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle?
8b) How were medieval "universities" different from earlier "cathedral schools"?
8c) What is Scholasticism? What is Thomism? Who was Thomas Aquinas?
8d) Describe the main differences between "Faith" and "Theology"? How are multiple theologies compatible within a single faith?
9a) What is the basic premise of a "Religious World View", and how is it different from modern "Secularism"?.
9b) What is "Feudalism"? Describe the "pyramid" structure of both the church and state in the High Middle Ages.
9c) What are some of the main features of Monastic, Feminine, and Lay forms of "Spirituality"?
9d) What are the main differences between "Devotia Moderna," "Popular Piety," and the "Visual Bible"?
Quiz 8 (Wed. 4/5):
Rausch, Catholicism, Chap. 7
Define "hamartia" and give at least four other definitions, synonyms, models for understanding "SIN" and "sins."
What is the "Decalogue"? What is the main difference between the Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant versions?
Describe the differences: personal vs. social sin; sins of commission vs. of omission; mortal vs. venial sins
What is "Original Sin" and what are several different ways it has been understood (historically and today)?
How can sins be forgiven? List five different ways, according to Catholic Christian teachings.
Describe at least four different ways the Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation has been practiced throughout history.
How does the Church understand and practice the Anointing of the Sick today, in contrast to before Vatican II?
Gilles, People of God, Chap. 10 & 11
10a) When and what were the "Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy" and the "Western Schism"? How are they related to each other?
10b) What happened at the Council of Pisa and the Council of Constance, and how are these related to the "Western Schism"?
10c) What were the three largest social problems in Western Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries?
10d) When and why did the center of Eastern Orthodox Christianity shift from Constantinople (Greeks) to Moscow (Russians)?
11a) When, where, how, and by whom did the Protestant Reformation begin (the traditional starting date)?
11b) What were the five major social factors that led to the "atmosphere of change" just before the Protestant Reformation?
Quiz 9 (Wed. 4/12):
Rausch, Catholicism, Chap. 8
What is the "basic moral imperative"? What is the "Golden Rule?"
What is the "natural law," and how does it form the basis of Catholic sexual morality?
What are the nine basic principles underlying Catholic social ethics? In what documents are these expressed?
What is the relationship between individual conscience and the moral teaching authority of the Church?
Gilles, People of God, Chap. 12 & 13
12a) What were some of Luther's most important critiques of the Catholic Church of his day?
12b) Where and how did Lutheranism spread? What are some of the foundational Lutheran documents?
13a) What did the early "Anabaptists" believe? Why are they called the "radical left-wing" of the Reformation?
13b) What was the role of John Calvin in the Protestant Reformation? What were his main theological emphases?
13c) How and why did the Church of England separate from the Roman Catholic Church? How are they different from other Protestants?
13d) Who are the Huguenots? What did King Henry IV of France mean by saying, "Paris is worth a Mass"?
Quiz 10 (Wed. 4/19):
Rausch, Catholicism, Chap. 9
What types of prayer are summarized by the mnemonics A.C.T.S. and P.P.P.T.?
Explain the differences between Vocal, Mental, Contemplative, and Liturgical Prayer, and give some examples of each.
Name and briefly describe several different forms of spirituality or contemporary spiritual movements.