The Gospel according to Matthew:
Christology and Discipleship

by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.

Rudolf Koch: Palms and Crown as Symbols of a King

I) Christology: Matthew's Portrait of Jesus

The Gospel according to Matthew accepts and uses the main Christological titles found already in his main narrative source (Mark's Gospel), including Christ/Messiah, Son of God, Son of Man, Rabbi, and Teacher. But in contrast to Mark, Matthew adds several new titles and emphasizes certain aspects of Jesus' identity differently from Mark. Matthew's Gospel begins by identifying Jesus as "the son of David, the son of Abraham" (1:1), thus indicating Jesus' Davidic/royal and Abrahamic/Jewish heritage, respectively.  Throughout Matthew's Gospel, Jesus is also presented as "the New Moses" for the people of Israel, and is given a variety of other titles, including Emmanuel, Savior, Prophet, and King of the Jews.

  1. Jesus as the Son of Abraham (and Isaac and Jacob)
  2. Jesus as the Son of David and King of the Jews (and King of Israel)
  3. Jesus as Emmanuel ("God with Us") and One Who "Saves"
  4. Jesus as a great Prophet and Teacher, like a new Moses
  5. Jesus as the Fulfillment of the Law and Prophecies of the Old Testament

II) Discipleship: Matthew's Description of Following Jesus, in Christian Life and Community

III) Related Resources:

Electronic New Testament Educational Resources

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