Johannine Themes in Christian Liturgy
by Gail Gresser

The Samaritan Woman at the Well
(John 4:4-42)


Phrases and Images:

Liturgical Texts:

The Samaritan Woman (4:4-42)

Prayer/Part of Liturgy
Third Sunday of Lent,
Year A
and whenever the Elect are present
Preface "When he had asked the woman of Samaria for water to drink, Christ had already prepared her for the gift of faith. In his thirst to receive her faith, he awakened in her heart the fire of your love."
First Scrutiny
Third Sunday of Lent
Intercessions for the Elect B "That, like the woman of Samaria, our elect may review their lives before Christ and acknowledge their sins...

"That they may be freed from the spirit of mistrust that deters people from following Christ...

"That, while awaiting the gift of God, they may long with all their hearts for the living water that brings eternal life...

"That, by accepting the Son of God as their teacher, they may become true worshipers of the Father in spirit and in truth...

"That they may share with their friends and neighbors the wonder of their own meeting with Christ..."

 . Prayer of Exorcism A "God of power, you sent your Son to be our Savior. Grant that these catechumens, who, like the woman of Samaria, thirst for living water, may turn to the Lord as they hear his word and acknowledge the sins and wekanesses that weigh them down. Protect them from vain reliance on self and defend them from the power of Satan. Free them from the spirit of deceit, so that, admitting the wrong they have done, they may attain purity of heart and advance on the way to salvation."
 . Conclusion: Exorcism A "Lord Jesus, you are the fountain for which they thirst, you are the Master they seek. In your presence, they dare not claim to be without sin, for you alone are the Holy One of God. They open their hearts to you in faith and confess their faults and lay bare their hidden wounds. In your love free them from their infirmities, heal their sickness, quench their thirst, and give them peace. In the power of your name, which we call upon in fiath, stand by them now and heal them. Rule over the spirit of evil, conquered by your rising from the dead."
 . Prayer of Exorcism B "All-merciful Father, through your Son you revealed your mercy to the woman of Samaria; and moed by that same care you have offered salvation to all sinners. Look favorably on these elect, who desire to become your adopted children through the power of your sacraments. Free them from the slavery of sin, and for Satan's crushing yoke, exchange the gentle yoke of Jesus. Protect them in every danger that they may serve you faithfully in peace and joy and render you thanks for ever."
 . Conclusion: Exorcism B "Lord Jesus, in your merciful wisdom, you touched the heart of the sinful woman and taught her to worship the Father in spirit and in truth. Now, by your power, free these elect from the cunning of Satan, as they draw near to the fountain of living water. Touch their hearts with the power of the Holy Spirit, that they may come to know the Father in true faith, which expresses itself in love."

Living Water (4:10)
[cf. Jeremiah 2:13; 17:13; Song of Solomon 4:15; see also John 7:38]

Prayer/Part of Liturgy
ORDER of MASS Rite of Blessing of Water B "Lord, in your mercy, give us living water, always springing up as a fountain of salvation."
Good Friday
Intercession IV: For those preparing for Baptism "Increase the faith and understanding of those [among us] preparing for baptism. Give them a new birth in these living waters and make them members of your chosen family."
Saturday of the
First Week of Lent
Opening Prayer "By seeking your kingdom and loving one another, may we become a people who worship you in spirit and truth."
Dedication of a Church
Preface "Here your people drink of the Spirit, the stream of living water flowing from the rock of Christ."

Spring of Water Welling up to Eternal Life (4:14b)
[cf. Revelation]

Prayer/Part of Liturgy
ORDER of MASS Rite of Blessing of Water A "Renew the living spring of your life within us, and protect us in spirit and body."
Sacred Heart
Preface 45 - Sacred Heart "To his open heart the Savior invites all men, to draw water in joy from the springs of salvation." [cf.: Isaiah 12:3]

Worship in Spirit and Truth (4:23, 24)

Prayer/Part of Liturgy
ORDER of MASS Eucharistic Prayer I "Bless and approve our offering; make it acceptable to you, an offering in spirit and in truth."

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